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3.15 Legal Services Unit

This Unit perform the following activities:-

  1. Draft by laws and other legal documents;
  2. Keep in custody all legal documents and the official seal;
  3. Present the company in assorted legal services;
  4. Prepare service contracts required by the Institute from time to time; 
  5. Liaise with other Institutions, Government Ministries and Departments on legal matters relating to the Institute on all legal and regulatory matters;
  6. Prepare legal briefs and represent the Institute in legal matters;
  7. Prepare contract drafts, participate in negotiations and execution;
  8. Prepare legislative proposals and reviews pertaining to company activities;
  9. Draft and scrutinize leases and transfer of property;
  10. Hand secretarial matters in respect of the Institutes meetings; and
  11. Coordinate preparation of the Institute activities implementation reports.