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Public Relations and Communication Unit

This Unit perform the following activities:-

  1. Coordinate activities related to establishment, maintenance and nurturing of relations and networks with other institutes; 
  2. Formulate procedures and processes relating to public relations and the dissemination of information;
  3. Publish and disseminate information about activities performed by the Institute; 
  4. Coordinate the provision of public relations services by establishing the appropriate communication channels and chains;
  5. Produce information sheets, bulletins of events and other publications for internal and external consumptions;
  6. Develop, review and circulate newsletter;
  7. Design and maintain Website pages to disseminate information on the development in the Institute, major decisions and polices adopted by various committee and bodies including action taken;
  8. Maintain well-developed lines of communication with all Medias; and
  9. Promote an understanding of the Institute and its activities, develop an interest in and support for its activities and ensure appropriate recognitions of its achievements and its contributions to the society in which it functions.